Our beer
Yinzenstiner Hefeweizen:
ABV 4.8%
Traditionally unfiltered and refreshing German style hefeweizen.
A wonderfully dark and amazingly light oatmeal stout.
Lucky's Black IPA:
ABV 6.5%
Wonderfully complex, up front roasted character balanced with bright hops on the back end.

Forth & Clyde Scotch style ale:
ABV 8%
Traditionally brewed using peat smoked malt imported from Scotland to bring out the sweet and smoky characteristics of a true Scotch Ale.
(Periodic release)

Grand Reserve Belgian style tripel: ABV 9.5%
A true Belgian style Tripel with warm notes of esters, vanilla and clove. Brewed traditionally with respect for this wonderful style.
(Periodic release)

Lindencross Double IPA:
ABV 8%
Beautiful amber English style double IPA with ample kettle and dry hopped goodness, balanced by its complex malty depth.
(Periodic release)
Diesel Dwarf German Style Altbier:
ABV: 5.5%
A beautiful deep copper Old world style Altbier made using German & Czech hops.
(Early Fall)

Drowsy Emperor British style brown ale:
ABV 6.5%
A wonderful brown ale that is traditionally brewed to be roasted and malty with a true British style hop presence.

Elwood Island Irish Style Red ale:
ABV 5.5%
Traditionally brewed to be sweet and malty in the true Irish style.
(Early Spring)

Efit Session IPA:
ABV 4.5%
A very drinkable session IPA with a light malt body and a beautiful hop profile from Azacca, Cascade, and Amarillo hops. Perfect for the IPA lover that wants a little less alcohol in a full flavored beer.